Past Grant Recipients
Young Life Corpus Christi
May 16, 2024 - $17,100
Young Life’s mission is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith through authentic friendships. They do this by going where kids are and building personal relationships with them, providing fun, adventurous, life-changing experiences, and working in the community alongside like-minded adults.
The Ark
February 22, 2024 - $15,000
The Ark's mission is to provide a caring intervention for abused, neglected and displaced children and youth, ages 0 through 17, by placing them in a secure environment. The Ark is the only licensed facility within an 80-mile radius that is contracted by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to provide emergency shelter and assessment services for the children who have been physically abused, sexually abused or neglected by parents or guardians. The shelter is licensed to care for children from anywhere in Texas.
Nano Athletics | Love, Tennis & Education
November 9, 2023 - $15,000
The mission of the Nano Foundation's Love, Tennis & Education program is to set the foundation for a successful life with love and commitment for kids through tennis and education. For the last seven years, founder Ronald Elizondo has been teaching kids free tennis lessons and traveling with them to tournaments. Ronald’s vision is to give back to the youth of his community, and we are so happy to have them as a grant recipient!
Esperanza de Tejas, Inc.
August 26, 2023 - $15,000
Esperanza de Tejas, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing communities’ access to fresh food, workforce educational opportunities, and life skills needed for success. They strive to build HOPE for communities through community engagement, comprehensive programs, and social service initiatives. Their motto is Amor y Esperanza (Love & Hope) and believe we can uplift the communities we serve by adhering to this philosophy.
The Rise School
May 18, 2023 - $15,300
The Rise School’s mission is to provide the highest quality early childhood education for all children - gifted, traditional and developmentally delayed - in an inclusive setting, where individualized learning techniques enable every child to achieve their maximum potential.
Majesty Outdoors
February 24, 2023 - $12,500
The mission of Majesty Outdoors is to “Build a Generation of Hope by Shattering the Cycle of Fatherlessness.” From hunter education to camp out, new property, to free turkeys to single moms, youth hunts to Tide Changers jackets for kids, Majesty Outdoors brings hope to a fatherless generation.
Foster Angels of South Texas
November 10, 2022 - $12,500
The mission of Foster Angels is to improve the lives of children in foster care ensuring each child has their basic needs met and providing life-enhancing, life-enriching opportunities whenever possible.
Agape Ranch
August 25, 2022 - $12,500
Many children in foster care feel unlovable because of the abuse they’ve suffered all their lives. Agape Ranch breaks that cycle by providing compassionate care, connections within the community, and now by creating a neighborhood to give them a place to call home with families that provide unconditional love.
Camp Aranzazu
May 19, 2022 - $10,000
Camp Aranzazu is dedicated to enriching the lives of children and adults with special needs and chronic illnesses by providing unique camping, environmental education, and retreat experiences.