Meet Jessica


Jessica is from Portland, Texas and grew up with all things saltwater as a child. She inevitably fell in love with our "Third Coast," and currently lives on North Padre Island with her husband of 16 years and their two children. She and her husband, Frank, grew up fishing and surfing our coastline, and now enjoy daily beach sessions with their children. When they're not traveling to kids surf or soccer competitions, you can find them spending time at their family ranch, hiking in the hill country, or exploring a new park looking for their next adventure.

Jessica has a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies from Texas A&M University and realized early on that homeschooling her children would best serve her family. Going on 7 years, she believes it to be one of the greatest blessings she's been able to afford her children.

Currently, Jessica is the sitting Treasurer on several boards, tutor's youth ages 5-12 years old, and enjoys volunteerism when called to serve. As 1 of 100 Women of the Coastal Bend, Jessica has said "One of my favorite scriptures is 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of did it for Me.' -Matthew 25:40'. I have always felt true empathy and a strong calling to help those in need. 100 Women of the Coastal Bend stands to be more of a blessing to me in that regard and I am so grateful to be able to serve on the board."